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  在1999年底李馆长从俄亥俄大学退休的前夕,俄亥俄大学董事会把一座新建的图书馆分馆命名为“李华伟图书馆分馆”。除此以外,为了表彰他在发展国际合作,促进图书馆藏书全球化方面所做出的贡献,还特别将总馆的第一层命名为“李华伟国际藏书中心”。俄亥俄州图书馆学会也特别授予他终身荣誉馆员的称号 (Ohio Hall of Fame Librarian)。OCLC图书馆计算机中心也特别聘请他担任杰出访问学者。2003年美国国会图书馆聘请李博士出任该馆亜洲部主任,進行多项重大革新,在任务完成后,李博士在2008年第二次荣退,分别得到美国国会及美国国会图书馆的表扬。目前李馆长又出任中美两国政府共同设立的中美图书馆合作项目美方评审员, 继续为促進中美两国图书馆的合作而努力。

  Hwa-Wei Lee, Former Chief of Asian Division, the Library of Congress, and Dean Emeritus of Ohio University Libraries, was born in China, did his undergraduate studies in Taiwan, and completed his M.Ed., M.L.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh. In the 50 years of his library career, mostly in the U.S., he worked in various library administrative positions at the University of Pittsburgh, Duquesne University, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Asian Institute of Technology (in Bangkok, Thailand, 1968-1975, under the sponsorship of the U.S. Agency for International Development), Colorado State University, and Ohio University (1978-1999). He was also a Visiting Distinguished Scholar at OCLC from 2000 to 2002 and a Fulbright Senior Specialist at the Department of Library and Information Science, Chiang Mai University in Thailand (September/October 2001). He authored or co-authored five books and 90 papers. Among the many important awards he received were the 1983 Outstanding Administrator of Ohio University, the 1983 CALA’s Distinguished Services Award, the 1987 Ohio Librarian of the Year, the 1991 ALA John Ames Humphrey Award for Contributions to International Librarianship, the 1991 APALA’s Distinguished Services Award, and the 1999 Ohio Hall of Fame Librarian. Upon his retirement from Ohio University in 1999, Ohio University named a new library building as Hwa-Wei Lee Library Annex and the first floor of the main library as Hwa-Wei Lee Center for International Collections. When he retired from the Library of Congress in 2008, he received special recognition from both the Congress and the Library for his many accomplishments. Currently, he serves as the Project Evaluator for the China-US Library Collaboration Project.
版权所有 2010-2011 湖南省图书馆学会